Board of Directors
The officers for 2024 are as follows:
Executive Director: John Roberts – International Grooving & Grinding Association (IGGA)
President: Terrence Kraemer – Diamond Surface, Inc.
Vice President: Todd Thompson – Diamond Products
Secretary: Tony Cappello – Diamond Grinding & Grooving
Treasurer: Scott L. Eilken – Quality Saw & Seal
Director: Tom Brown – Brownco Manufacturing
Director: Laura O'Neill Laumo – American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA)
International Director: Wolfe Skorzik – Construction SRB S.C.C.
John Roberts

Executive Director
John Roberts is the Executive Director of the International Grooving and Grinding Association (IGGA), a position he has held since 1999. Prior to joining the IGGA, John was employed by Ebasco Services Inc., where he worked on projects ranging from radioactive cleanups to reconstruction of the Manhattan Bridge. John also was the owner of a concrete contracting company located in New York where he specialized in the construction of bridges, pavements and structures. John was an honor student graduating from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Civil Engineering.
Terrence Kraemer

Education and Background:
1982 – Graduate Mankato State University Bachelor of Arts Construction Management
1989-2020 – Owner & President of Diamond Surface Inc.
2020-2023 Chairman of the Board of Diamond Surface Inc.
Association Background History:
1982-2009 Minnesota Concrete Paving Association – 4 terms on the Board of Directors
1989-2009 IGGA 9 terms Board of Directors – 3 terms as IGGA President
1999-2009 ACPA – 3 terms on the Executive Committee
2004-2009 Surface Characteristics Committee
2007-2009 Surface Characteristics Committee Chairman
Todd Thompson

Vice President
Education and Background:
1992 Graduate – Utah State University
Bachelor of Arts Production Management
Grinding and Grooving Manager for
Diamond Products
Manufacturing Manager for Penhall Diamond Products
Tony Cappello

Cappello has extensive experience and specializes in underground heavy, highway and bridge construction. He established Diamond Coring Company in 1988 which serves the Chicago area.
In addition serving on the IGGA Board of Directors, Cappello has served as the Executive Board Chairman of the Calumet Area Industrial Commission and continues to engage with like-minded professionals in various transportation industry groups collaborating to address challenges and explore opportunities within the sector.
Scott L. Eilken

Eilken has been in the concrete drilling, sawing, sealing, grinding and grooving industry since 1977. He worked in the field and in the office for Accurate Coring for 13 years in the Greater Chicago area. Since 1990, he has owned and operated Quality Saw and Seal Inc.
He is currently involved in the Illinois State Chapter of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), the National ACPA, the IGGA, as well as the Illinois Road Builders Association. Further, he co-chairs the Seal No Seal Group and is an active member of the TRB Committees.
Tom Brown

President of Brownco Manufacturing & Sales which is now a division of White Cap, Brown has been a supplier and manufacturer of paving supplies since 1998. Married for 33 years, he has three daughters and three grandchildren.
Laura O'Neill Kaumo

O’Neill Kaumo is the President and CEO of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA).
She is an accomplished and highly experienced trade association executive and a passionate advocate for infrastructure investment. She has served previously as the Chief Operating Officer of the American Council of Engineering Companies, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, and the Director of Government Affairs for the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association.
O’Neill Kaumo began her career in sports law with her J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law, working for the Florida Marlins. She is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and was staff counsel for the Boston Red Sox. She is a Washington Nationals and Detroit Lions superfan and spends time outside the office with her husband and dog.
Wolfe Skorzik

International Director
Although Skorzik has only been in the highway construction industry since 2010, he has played a major part in the sector growth within Canada over the last decade. Originally starting his career with Graff/Penhall as a field operator, he now calls Construction SRB S.C.C. home, for the last 3 years. He is the National Account Manager and oversees grinding and grooving sales spanning from Quebec to the west coast of Canada, as well as offshore projects. Skorzik has been on the committee with ORBA (Ontario Road Builders Association) and he brings an abundance of enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge to the IGGA. When he and his crew are not making highways a safer place, he can be found sailing on Lake Ontario, or overlanding the many natural trails in Ontario, Canada.