What is CPP/CPR?
Concrete pavement preservation (CPP), also known as concrete pavement restoration (CPR), is a series of engineered techniques developed over sixty years ago to rehabilitate concrete pavement. A viable alternative to costly asphalt overlays, CPP targets and repairs areas of distress within otherwise structurally sound concrete pavement. A minimally disruptive procedure, CPP is designed to be performed within small work areas and at off-peak hours. CPP procedures offer repair solutions that often last for decades.
Why Perform CPP?
This preventive procedure restores the pavement to a condition close to or better than original and reduces the need for major and more costly repairs later.
CPP addresses the causes of pavement distress, minimizing further deterioration. In contrast, covering the distress with an asphalt overlay does not correct the cause of the distress and it will eventually manifest itself again, usually as a larger, more expensive problem.
With CPP, you can target and fix the specific areas of deterioration rather than having to apply treatment to the entire roadway.
CPP has been shown to reduce wet weather accident rates and save lives.
CPP maintains the light reflective nature of concrete by minimizing lighting requirements, especially in urban environments. Additionally, the light-colored surface reduces the heat island effect associated with asphalt pavements.
Unlike an asphalt overlay, diamond grinding and CPP do not raise the pavement’s surface elevation. Consequently, there is no loss of gutter capacity, no loss of clearance at overhead structures and no issues with existing guardrail height adjacent to the sections undergoing repair.
Typical rutting issues associated with asphalt pavements at intersections and heavily trafficked corridors are eliminated.
The state of Georgia has used CPP with grinding for more than 50 years and has found it to be 3 to 4 times more cost effective than a 6-inch asphalt overlay.
How Do I Know If My Road is a Candidate for CPP?
Good candidates for CPP are generally concrete roadways with various degrees and types of distress that still show an adequate level of structural integrity. It is important to keep the pavement in good condition from the beginning of its life cycle and manage the rate of deterioration by applying the right repair treatments at the right time. Although managing the pavement deterioration from early in the life cycle is preferred, the repair methods available today do provide options to restore older pavements exhibiting more severe deterioration. Both the extent and severity of the distresses need to be analyzed to determine the best possible repair methods. The types of deterioration to look for include poor ride quality, joint and surface spalling, cracked slabs, corner breaks, joint pumping, faulting at transverse or longitudinal joints and joint sealant failure.
What is the Life Expectancy of CPP?
In generic terms, there is no universal answer as to how long a particular treatment will last. However, based on the condition of specific pavement sections, applying the right CPP treatment at the right time in the pavement’s life cycle has been proven to extend the life of the pavement 10 to 20 years and even longer in many cases.
Where Should I Perform CPP?
CPP is a proven solution for bridges, highways and airports and is seeing increased use on city streets. It allows for a long-term solution to bypass the logistical difficulties and high cost that an overlay or complete replacement would involve.
How to Implement Pavement Preservation on YOUR Pavement
Identify your pavement’s problem area. Click on the photo that represents your pavement problem: